JS-11 Q


2018 NEW
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  1. Technologies
  2. Product Spec

โครงสร้างรู grommet แบบ single-pass สร้างแรงเสียดทานน้อยลงระหว่างสายเอ็นซึ่งจะช่วยลดการสูญเสียความตึงเอ็นได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพและยืดอายุของสตริง

Shaft Material

Ultra High Modulus Graphite + 6.8 SHAFT

Frame Material

Ultra High Modulus Graphite + HARD CORED TECHNOLOGY

String tension LBS

≦30 lbs(13.5Kg)
≦ 29 lbs(13Kg)

Weight / Grip Size

3U / G5
4U / G5, G6


Racket Response Indicator:

Product Details

AERO-SWORD Frame Structure

Innovative technology combining the two popular frame structure SWORD and AERODYNAMIC, the AERO-SWORD can efficiently reduce air resistance and following a faster and greater hit back.


A design breakthrough—ULTRA-THIN FRAME is 7% thinner than the frame of traditional rackets, helping improve the player’s swing speed while maintaining the stiffness and anti-torsion performance of the frame.


Inspired by the mechanism of the bow, ENERGY BOW technique helps the frame to preserve the energy created by each hit and thus enable an instant repulsion.

Hard Cored Technology

Inspired by military helicopter, multi-layered structure made by carbon fiber and composites, minimize material size, reinforce handling feel and performance at a critical standard. 


Made by the combinations of various carbon fibers and reduce the shaft diameter to give the racket a quick resilience ability.

Internal T-Joint

One-piece T-Joint (compare to the external T-joint), transfer the power smoothly, and precise the hit.


The single-pass grommet hole construction creates less friction between strings, this effectively reduces tension loss, while extending string life.